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Author: Janice Leong

Unveiling the Subtle Impact of Stress on Your Health

As you find yourself ensnared in the labyrinth of traffic, your mind wanders to the ticking clock, heralding the looming specter of tardiness for a pivotal meeting. Within the intricate web of your brain, the hypothalamus emerges as the command center, issuing a silent decree: Mobilize the stress hormones! These primal messengers, orchestrators of the body's "fight or flight" response, surge forth. Your heart quickens its pace, breaths shorten, and...

Understanding the Early Onset of Diabetes in Asians: Insights and Solutions

According to the International Diabetes Federation, over half of the global diabetes cases are reported in Asia, with the region also facing the highest mortality rates despite advancements in treatment. This alarming trend highlights the urgency to explore why Asians experience an earlier onset of diabetes and how innovative solutions, such as the BUZUD SAFE AQ UG Blood Glucose and Uric Acid Monitoring System, can play a crucial role in...

Early Detection Matters: BUZUD One-Step Microalbuminuria Test and Kidney Health

Kidney failure is a global health concern, with Singapore ranking 6th in the world for reported cases. Astonishingly, an estimated 200,000 Singaporeans may be living with undiagnosed Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), a condition that, if left untreated, can progress to kidney failure. The key to mitigating the impact of CKD lies in early detection and intervention, potentially delaying the need for dialysis by as much as 10 years or more. Our...

Strategies After H. pylori Eradication Fails: Adjusting Medication for Optimal Results

Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection, discovered in 1982, is a significant contributor to various gastrointestinal issues, including chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers, and gastric cancer. Recognized as a Class I carcinogen for gastric cancer by the WHO, tackling Hp infection through eradication is crucial for preventing severe complications. However, due to factors such as regional variations in infection, patient compliance, and antibiotic resistance, the efficacy of Hp eradication is not always ideal....

Empowering Diabetes Management: Innovations and Insights from Endocrinologist Kevin Tan

From glucose sensors to insulin pumps, advancements in technology are providing an array of options for effectively managing diabetes and controlling high blood sugar levels. Endocrinologist Kevin Tan, the vice-president of Diabetes Singapore, sheds light on diabetes, its types, and how innovations in diabetic care, including the BUZUD Continuous Glucose Monitoring System, are revolutionizing management approaches. Q: What distinguishes Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, and can these conditions be reversed? Both...

Tackling the Looming Kidney Disease Crisis in Singapore: A Call for Action

Urgency rises as doctors advocate for early screening, with the introduction of BUZUD ONE-STEP MICROALBUMINURIA TEST Singapore is facing a kidney disease crisis, with the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) warning of a shortage of dialysis spots for new patients. The Integrated Renal Centre, the largest dialysis facility in the country, is almost constantly full, highlighting the growing prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD). With more than 300,000 people diagnosed and an...

Singapore Faces Persistent Diabetes Challenges Despite 5-Year Campaign

Singapore's robust five-year campaign against diabetes has encountered a significant challenge, as recent data from the National Population Health Survey reveals a slight increase in the prevalence of diabetes from 8.8% in 2017 to 9.5% in the period of 2019-2020. This discouraging trend underscores the need for innovative and accessible tools like the BUZUD SAFE AQ UG Blood Glucose and Uric Acid Monitoring System to empower individuals in managing their...

The Misuse of Continuous Glucose Monitors: A Trendy Wellness Tool or Lifesaving Device?

Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) have been a game-changer for individuals managing diabetes, offering real-time insights into blood sugar levels. However, a concerning trend has emerged as wellness influencers and tech enthusiasts promote CGMs as a fashionable health accessory. This shift raises questions about the appropriateness of marketing a medical device to those without diabetes and the potential consequences of its misuse. CGMs for Wellness: Not a One-Size-Fits-All Solution: For people at risk...

Revolutionizing Diabetes Management: BUZUD Continuous Glucose Monitoring System available at all Guardian Pharmacy

In the realm of diabetes management, the BUZUD Continuous Glucose Monitoring System has emerged as a beacon of innovation, providing individuals with a powerful tool to monitor and control their blood glucose levels seamlessly. Widely available at Guardian Pharmacies, this cutting-edge system is transforming the way people with diabetes approach their daily lives. In this article, we will delve into the standout features of the BUZUD Continuous Glucose Monitoring System...

Unveiling the Mysteries of Stomach Health: From Common Pains to Hidden Threats

In today's fast-paced world, gastrointestinal issues seem to be affecting people, even the young. Complaints of stomach bloating and frequent stomachaches are becoming common, raising concerns about the impact of lifestyle choices on stomach health. In this exploration, we delve into the causes, symptoms, and potential consequences of stomach injuries, shedding light on the entire process through real gastroscopy images. We also introduce the BUZUD H.PYLORI ANTIGEN RAPID TEST, a...