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Dealing with Low Blood Sugar: What You Need to Know

Dealing with Low Blood Sugar: What You Need to Know

Ensuring optimal blood sugar levels is imperative for individuals, particularly those managing diabetes. However, the rigorous control of blood sugar levels may occasionally precipitate hypoglycemia, posing significant health risks. This article elucidates the prudent steps to undertake when confronted with this concern and introduces the BUZUD Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) system as a pivotal component in the management of blood sugar levels.

Understanding Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia manifests when blood sugar levels plummet below 70 mg/dL, necessitating prompt identification of associated symptoms such as tremors, perspiration, cognitive impairment, and potential loss of consciousness. Timely assessment of blood sugar levels is imperative upon suspicion of hypoglycemia.

Implementing the 15-15 Rule

In instances of mild hypoglycemia, characterized by blood sugar levels ranging from 55-69 mg/dL, adherence to the 15-15 rule is recommended: ingest 15 grams of rapidly metabolizing carbohydrates and reassess blood sugar levels after 15 minutes. If hypoglycemia persists, repetition of the protocol is advised, incorporating consumables such as fruit juice, glucose tablets, or gel.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Management of Severe Hypoglycemia

Blood sugar levels dipping below 55 mg/dL denote severe hypoglycemia, warranting the administration of injectable glucagon. Possession of a prescribed glucagon kit is imperative, alongside ensuring that caregivers or family members are proficient in its utilization.

Indicators for Emergency Assistance

Immediate medical intervention is warranted if an individual experiencing severe hypoglycemia loses consciousness in the absence of glucagon, necessitates multiple glucagon doses, or remains disoriented post-treatment. Additionally, persistent hypoglycemia beyond 20 minutes post-treatment or unresponsiveness to conventional therapies mandates emergency medical attention.

Post-Hypoglycemic Vigilance

Following a hypoglycemic episode, particularly severe instances, heightened vigilance is paramount. Early signs of recurrence may be subtle for up to 72 hours post-event, emphasizing the necessity for frequent blood sugar monitoring. Recurrent severe hypoglycemic episodes necessitate prompt medical consultation to reassess diabetes management strategies.

Introduction of BUZUD Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System

Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) systems, exemplified by BUZUD, proffer a proactive approach to blood sugar management. These systems afford real-time glucose level monitoring, accompanied by alerts facilitating adherence to target ranges. The BUZUD CGM system empowers users with comprehensive insights into glucose trends, enabling timely interventions to mitigate both hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic episodes.


Effective management of hypoglycemia constitutes an integral facet of diabetes care. By discerning symptoms, adhering to treatment protocols like the 15-15 rule, and harnessing tools such as the BUZUD Continuous Glucose Monitoring system, individuals can navigate the challenges posed by fluctuating blood sugar levels, culminating in enhanced overall health and well-being.

If you need assistance, you can visit our BUZUD showroom for calibration support.



All information presented herein serves as a general guideline, and is not intended as dispensing any medical advice(s). User(s) should consult their doctor to seek further clarification for any doubt. It is recommended to refer to this guide with sole discretion, thereby we shall not be held responsible for any part of the information as presented.

REimagined Healthcare with BUZUD Care Experience at:

585 North Bridge Road, #01-02 Raffles Hospital, Singapore 188770

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