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Diabetes Control Tag

BUZUD Continous Glucose Monitoring system key settings functions

Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) systems have revolutionized diabetes management by providing real-time glucose readings. The BUZUD CGM system is a powerful tool designed to help users maintain optimal glucose control. This article explores the key settings functions, and best practices for using the BUZUD CGM system. Real-Time CGM Data Display One of the standout features of the BUZUD CGM system is its real-time data display capability. Users can monitor their glucose levels...

Step-by-Step Guide for Installing BUZUD CGM

Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) are devices that help individuals to track their blood sugar levels continuously. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to install a BUZUD CGM: 1. Preparation Clean Your Skin: Wash and dry your hands. Clean the sensor site with an alcohol wipe and let it dry completely. Choose a Sensor Site: Primary Site (Abdomen): Avoid the belly button, scars, stretch marks, indurations, and the belt area. Ensure...

Understanding FGM vs. CGM: What’s the Difference?

When managing diabetes, knowing your glucose levels is crucial. Two popular technologies help with this: Flash Glucose Monitoring (FGM) and BUZUD Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM). While they might seem similar, they have distinct differences that could impact your daily life. Let's break them down in an easy-to-understand way. Manual Scanning vs. Real-Time Readings FGM (Flash Glucose Monitoring): How it works: You wear a small sensor on your skin, usually on the back...

Innovating Home Care: Highlights from BUZUD Health EXPO 2024

On May 11th, 2024, the HDB Hub Convention Centre Auditorium buzzed with excitement as BUZUD and the Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) unveiled a groundbreaking collaboration at the Health EXPO 2024 - REimagine Home Care event. This milestone event, attended by industry leaders, healthcare professionals, and technology enthusiasts, marked a significant leap in healthcare innovation in Singapore. Central to the event was the debut of BUZUD's state-of-the-art Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM),...

Calibrating the BUZUD Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System: Ensuring Accuracy for Optimal Diabetes Management

Continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) are gaining widespread popularity, increasingly supplanting traditional blood glucose monitoring systems for many individuals. These compact devices, worn on the body, provide continuous glucose monitoring, reducing or even eliminating the need for frequent finger stick tests. It is important to note that readings from finger stick tests and CGMs may differ because they measure glucose levels in different fluids: a glucometer measures blood glucose, whereas a CGM...

Diabetes and Your Daily Cup: The Balancing Act of Coffee

For many Singaporeans, coffee is essential for starting the day and combating afternoon fatigue, contributing to the country's consumption of 15,000 metric tonnes annually. For individuals with diabetes, understanding how coffee affects blood sugar levels is crucial. How Does Coffee Affect Blood Sugar? The impact of coffee on blood sugar levels is complex and varies based on individual health conditions and coffee consumption specifics. For Individuals Without Diabetes Research indicates an inverse relationship between...

Unveiling the Mysteries of the Mid-Afternoon Slump: Understanding Blood Sugar Crashes

Understanding Blood Sugar Crashes Experiencing fatigue and diminished energy levels in the mid-afternoon is a common phenomenon encountered by many individuals. This decline, often referred to as a blood sugar crash, is characterized by a sudden drop in blood glucose levels, resulting in a range of symptoms including lethargy, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. Understanding the mechanisms behind this occurrence and adopting dietary strategies to mitigate its effects can significantly enhance overall...

Understanding Hypoglycemia: What You Need to Know

Hypoglycemia, medically known as low blood sugar, denotes a condition characterized by a depletion of glucose levels in the bloodstream, falling below the standard range. Glucose functions as the primary energy source for bodily functions, hence a dip in its levels can precipitate a spectrum of symptoms and complications. Causes of Hypoglycemia Although hypoglycemia is commonly affiliated with diabetes management, it can also be incited by other pharmaceuticals or underlying health conditions,...

Dealing with Low Blood Sugar: What You Need to Know

Ensuring optimal blood sugar levels is imperative for individuals, particularly those managing diabetes. However, the rigorous control of blood sugar levels may occasionally precipitate hypoglycemia, posing significant health risks. This article elucidates the prudent steps to undertake when confronted with this concern and introduces the BUZUD Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) system as a pivotal component in the management of blood sugar levels. Understanding Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia manifests when blood sugar levels plummet below...

Navigating the Terrain of Blood Sugar: Understanding Idiopathic Postprandial Syndrome

If you've ever felt shaky, nervous, or fatigued after a meal, you might wonder if your blood sugar is dropping too low. For those experiencing these symptoms without an actual drop in blood sugar levels, a condition known as Idiopathic Postprandial Syndrome (IPS) may be the cause. This article explores IPS, its symptoms, potential causes, and effective management strategies. What is Idiopathic Postprandial Syndrome? Idiopathic Postprandial Syndrome (IPS), also known as pseudohypoglycemia...