Eating for Two
During pregnancy, your body goes through a lot of changes, and you will inevitably put on some weight as your precious baby grows. Here is all you need to know if you're wondering how much weight you'll gain during the next nine months, what's typical,...
Understanding HCG Levels in Pregnancy
What is hCG? The hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is only generated by the placenta during pregnancy. Pregnancy's first trimester sees a rise in hCG levels, which occurs soon after implantation (when the fertilized egg attaches into the uterine lining) measurable in urine. The...
How important is fecal occult blood screening?
If you are a fan of fast food, and consume less vegetables on a daily basis, it’s time to re-evaluate your eating habits and get yourself checked! Gastrointestinal conditions can affect people of all ages, backgrounds, and lifestyles. However, certain factors can increase an individual's risk...
Hearing Aids for you? Have a look and a listen.
BUZUD searches state-of-the-art hearing aids to help choose what’s best for YOU! It's not really that I've been an advocate for hearing aids for a long time, it's just that I've been losing my hearing for a long time! So it's actually very important for me...
Best ways to prevent Urinary Tract Infection
A urinary tract infection (UTI), often known as an infection of the urinary system, is a common affliction. The urethra, bladder, ureters, and kidneys may be affected by this. The lower urinary system, consisting of the bladder and urethra, is the site of most infections. Typical...
What is vaginal pH and how important to monitor it?
Do you know? Under normal circumstances, the pH value of the vagina is between 3.8-4.4. Numerous gynecological problems can develop when the pH of a woman's vagina changes. The female vagina has a pH value that is typically between 3.8 and 4.4, which is a slightly...
What Is H. Pylori? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention
What is H. pylori infection? Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori, are bacteria that can infect the duodenum (the first section of the small intestine) or the stomach. It is the main reason why peptic ulcer disease occurs. Besides causing gastritis, H. pylori can also aggravate and...
What does a healthy vagina smell like?
Just make a quick trip to your neighbourhood pharmacy. You will discover a wall of goods that, like douching, claim to cover up the natural odour of your vagina. This practice of 'cleaning' the vagina is well known by the medical profession to be damaging...
All You Need To know About Ovulation Cycle and Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is a key hormone in the female reproductive system that plays a crucial role in the process of ovulation. Ovulation is the release of a mature egg (ovum) from the ovary, and it marks the most fertile period of a woman's menstrual cycle....
7 Common Mistakes When Taking A Pregnancy Kit
Trying to conceive can be an exciting and sometimes challenging journey. If you're actively trying to become pregnant, we understand that you might face some challenges and seeing the negative sign on a pregnancy kit can affect your emotions deeply. Here are 7 common mistakes that...
Is a home sperm test useful?
We are all aware of how crucial sperm quality is to having a healthy, clever kid. How can one determine whether the sperm is of a high enough caliber? In fact, there are a few ways we can perform self-tests at home: 1 VOLUME Following masturbation and...
How Food can affect your Reproductive Hormones
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that plays a crucial role in the female reproductive system, particularly in developing ovarian follicles and releasing eggs during ovulation. While specific foods are not known to directly stimulate FSH production, a balanced and...
Nurturing the essence of womanhood, because we care for you.
Our female health test kits come with educational materials and instructions, empowering women with knowledge about their bodies, reproductive health, and the importance of regular screenings. Our goal is to raise awareness, promote preventive healthcare, and encourage women to seek appropriate medical care when necessary. We...
Monitoring Where the Action is – Buzud Health Monitor
Singapore, 1st May 2023 This high-tech device could save your life The medical literature tells us that the most effective ways to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and many more problems are through healthy diet and exercise. Our bodies have evolved to...
50% off for our Buzud Hearing Aids series!
Our hearing aid has a wide range that suits all sorts of people from all walks of life. It is made of highly advanced technology that makes listening easier for everyone, from young people to the elderly, who needs hearing assistance. In conjunction with our new...
Buzud Hearing Aids now available!
Did you know? In Singapore, it is estimated that around 5% to 7% of the Singaporean population has some degree of hearing loss. This equates to approximately 360,000 to 500,000 individuals. The prevalence of age-related hearing loss tends to increase with age. In Singapore, it...