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Step-by-Step Guide for Installing BUZUD CGM

Step-by-Step Guide for Installing BUZUD CGM

Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) are devices that help individuals to track their blood sugar levels continuously. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to install a BUZUD CGM:

1. Preparation

  • Clean Your Skin: Wash and dry your hands. Clean the sensor site with an alcohol wipe and let it dry completely.
  • Choose a Sensor Site:
    • Primary Site (Abdomen): Avoid the belly button, scars, stretch marks, indurations, and the belt area. Ensure the site is at least 7.5 cm away from your insulin pump insertion site.
    • Secondary Site (Back of Upper Arm): Avoid muscles. Be careful not to scratch or hit the sensor.

2. Insert the Sensor

Using the Abdomen:

  • Open the packaging and unscrew the applicator counterclockwise.
  • Place the applicator on the sensor site, keeping the long side of the oval parallel to the belt.
  • Press the applicator firmly until the blue side button reaches the other end.
  • Hold the applicator against your skin, inhale, and tighten your belly.
  • Push the side button to insert the sensor. For new users, use the other hand to push the button.

Using the Back of the Upper Arm:

  • Self-Insertion:
      • Lift and fold your arm upward.
      • Place the applicator on the back of your upper arm, keeping the long side parallel to the arm.
      • Press the applicator firmly and push the side button to insert the sensor.
  • With Assistance:
      • Place the arm used for insertion on your hip to form a stable triangle.
      • The helper should keep your arm still and place the applicator on the back of your upper arm.
      • Press the applicator firmly and push the side button to insert the sensor.

3. Post-Insertion

Secure the Sensor:

  • Hold the applicator down for 3 seconds to secure the sensor.
  • Rub around the edge of the patch with your fingers.

Attach the Transmitter:

  • Attach the transmitter within 30 minutes. Ensure there is no excessive gap between the transmitter and the sensor.
  • If you have oily skin, high activity level, or sweat a lot, use an overpatch for extra security.

If you need assistance, you can visit our BUZUD showroom for calibration support.

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