Who Needs a Hearing Aid?
Though many don’t know it, one of the scariest things for those afflicted with hearing loss can be gathering the courage to get the help they need. Lacey Brooks, doctor of audiology
How do you know it’s time to take steps? When should you do it? Who’s there to help? Relax. BUZUD is here to help by providing information on hearing aid technology, and the benefits that will accrue as you use your new device.
Q & A:
How do I know when a hearing aid would be beneficial?
- People seem to be mumbling forcing me to ask them to repeat.
High-frequency sounds (common in conversations) are the first to deteriorate. High-pitched and lower-pitched sounds are part of the palette of sounds that make human speech expressive and pleasant. Higher and lower sounds combine to make a ‘sound picture’ – a full spectrum of details and clues you may not even be aware that you are missing.
- You begin to avoid places that you know will be a listening challenge.
Crowded restaurants, sporting events, concerts, busy streets, and movies, among others, are places where background noise can take away your hearing cognition. One day you notice that you are not fully engaged in whatever is happening around you. You find yourself saying “huh” or “what” far too often. You are no longer a contributor to conversations.
- Phones become less convenient and intuitive.
Without visual clues like lip reading and body language, the lively ‘in the moment’ back and forth is lost. Newer smartphones are better at conveying a broader range of sounds, but they are not as trustworthy as a fine pair of ears enhanced with a hearing aid.
- Listening to music is not the joy it once was.
Just as listening to podcasts or audiobooks becomes less enjoyable, hearing the intricacies of music, too can deteriorate. Even hearing music at home with little distracting noise becomes less intense, and less enjoyable. Realizing that you do not have to give up one of the joys of life – music – and other pleasures is a joy in itself.
- Social events become tiresome and tiring.
Getting back into the vibe of friends, colleagues, and interesting strangers will show you that you’ve made the right decision to stand up and make sure that your hearing is in good shape.
As you may have guessed, there are several different types of hearing aids. Some are large, some are small, some are readily affordable, and others are a more major purchase. Most fit into four categories:
- BTE – Behind the Ear
Often worn by small children because it is pliable, sturdy, clean and easy to handle. Senior users often find it the best choice. Look no further than BUZUD hearing aid W3 for improved hearing.
- “Mini” BTE or receiver in canal (RIC) aids
Smaller than the BTE and connected to the ear canal by a plastic tube, mini BTE’s are especially good at dealing with occlusion and blending with the ear.
- In-the-ear (ITE) aids
As the name implies, these fit snugly into the ear itself. Easier to handle than smaller types. Look no further than Buzud hearing aid A51 to get better hearing.
- In-the-canal (ITC) aids and completely-in-the-canal (CIC) aids
Snugly fitted into tiny containers, these aids fit completely into the ear canal. Listening quality is first rate and the cosmetic advantages are obvious.
When investigating hearing aids, you may consider whether it has: a digital microphone; noise reduction features; feedback suppression; a telephone switch; or wireless capabilities. Research on the web is an efficient way to bulk up on hearing aid knowledge. Often in-person help is readily available, sometimes in real life.
Let’s hope this simple intro/guide will spur you to pay more attention to your hearing.
All information presented herein serves as a general guideline, and is not intended as dispensing any medical advice(s). User(s) should consult their doctor to seek further clarification for any doubt. It is recommended to refer to this guide with sole discretion, thereby we shall not be held responsible for any part of the information as presented.
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Call: +65 6518 9959 or Email: customercare@BUZUD.com
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