Eating for Two
During pregnancy, your body goes through a lot of changes, and you will inevitably put on some weight as your precious baby grows. Here is all you need to know if you’re wondering how much weight you’ll gain during the next nine months, what’s typical, and how much is too much.
How much weight can I expect to put on now I’m pregnant?
It’s very normal to gain weight while pregnant. There are no formal medical standards that specify how much weight you should or shouldn’t gain because every woman and every pregnancy are unique. Most pregnant women gain between 10 and 12 kilograms, but this varies depending on the individual, their height, and their pre-pregnancy body weight.
How does the extra weight add up?
The baby’s own weight, the amniotic fluid around it, and the placenta that is supplying it with nourishment are all factors. These three will account for around a third of the weight you gain throughout pregnancy. The average newborn baby weighs 3.3kg in Singapore, with the majority falling between 2.5kg and 4.5kg. Your placenta and amniotic fluid are anticipated to weigh about 0.7 kg and 0.8 kg, respectively.
To sustain and grow your kid, your body goes through significant changes that raise the total on the scales. Moved up one or two cup sizes? Your breasts have probably grown by about 0.4 kg.
Your body pumps more blood around, which results in an additional 1.2 kg of weight. Extra fluid is also retained, which results in an additional 1.2 kg of weight. You gain 0.9kg in weight due to the uterus’s muscle layer expanding, and you also store fat that will be used as energy for breastfeeding. The total weight gained, or the remaining two-thirds of your expected weight rise, comes to 7.7kg.
What if I was overweight before I got pregnant?
At your booking appointment, your midwife will weigh you. Your risk of complications during pregnancy and labour may increase if your body mass index (BMI), which measures how much weight you are carrying in relation to your height, indicates that you are overweight. These complications could include gestational diabetes and high blood pressure, which make it harder for your heart to pump blood throughout your body. This increases the possibility that your baby will be big, which could cause delivery issues and raise the likelihood that you’ll need Caesarean surgery.
How can I make sure I don’t put on too much weight?
As with pre-pregnancy, it’s not a good idea to start a diet during pregnancy, but it’s still necessary to maintain an active lifestyle and consume a balanced, healthy diet of 2,000 calories per day. You don’t need any more calories until the last trimester, when it’s recommended that you ingest an additional 200 calories, so don’t believe the old wives’ tale that you should be eating for two.
If you used to attend to the gym, keep going; just modify your routine to comfortably accommodate your pregnancy and seek out expert guidance on how to exercise safely.
What If I Start to Lose Weight?
Due to nausea, vomiting, and morning sickness during the first trimester, many women experience weight loss. Although this can be typical, it needs to be watched, especially if you were told to put on extra weight. Additionally, it is normal for weight to change week to week. But if you abruptly lose weight, you should get in touch with your doctor straight soon, especially if you’re in the third trimester.
While it is not advised to completely substitute your diet with lower-nutritional, empty-calorie foods if you are having trouble gaining weight, it is acceptable to start adding some extra higher-calorie, higher-fat foods, like ice cream, peanut butter, cheese, and extra butter, to help you get your weight gain on track.
All information presented herein serves as a general guideline, and is not intended as dispensing any medical advice(s). User(s) should consult their doctor to seek further clarification for any doubt. It is recommended to refer to this guide with sole discretion, thereby we shall not be held responsible for any part of the information as presented.
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